Become familiar with the roofing-related provisions of LEED Version 4® with this guide! LEED v4: Roofing-related Provisions explains the roofing-related provisions of the most recognized sustainable building rating system, the LEED Rating System, Version 4®. You will learn the background information, descriptions of possible roofing-related credits and prerequisites for rating systems for the Building Design and Construction and Building Operations and Maintenance categories. Also included is a listing of typical LEED-related submittals and an accounting of what roofing-related provisions have changes in LEED Version 4 versus previous LEED editions.
Published 2014
Item # 3778e
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Guidelines for Complying With Building Code Requirements for Roof Assemblies: International Building Code, 2012 edition (Electronic)
2012 International Energy Conservation Code and ANSI/ASHRAE/IESNA Standard 90.1-2010-Energy Standard for Buildings Except Low-rise Residential Buildings
Guidelines for Complying with Building Codes Using ANSI/SPRI ES-1 (Electronic)
Guidelines for Complying With Energy Code Requirements for Roof Assemblies: International Energy Conservation Code, 2009 and 2012 editions (Electronic)