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added 2024

Onboarding and Re-recruiting (Electronic)

Product details

NRCA’s Onboarding and Re-recruiting program is a course to help you create a plan with intentionality in bringing on new employees and retaining the ones you have, regardless of tenure.

By the time you finish this course, you will be able to identify:

  • Advantages to executing an onboarding and re-recruiting plan
  • Components of a thorough onboarding and re-recruiting plan
  • Some next steps to build or improve your company’s onboarding and re-recruiting plan
With this comprehensive program, you also will receive a downloadable Onboarding and Re-recruiting Worksheet pdf.
Note: This course is delivered to you electronically to use whenever and wherever you choose. Instructions for accessing the course will arrive in a separate email. Please check your inbox for an email subject line, “Look inside for NRCA’s Onboarding and Re-recruiting.”

Item # 3241

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